The Geoffroy’s Cat
Scientific Name: Leopardus geoffroyi
IUCN Status: Least Concern
Weight: 4-17 pounds

There are up to 4 subspecies described for Geoffroy’s Cats, with few molecular differences across the range. They are the largest of the South American temperate zone small fields, reaching the size of a large domestic cat. The fur colour is variable, ranging from rich yellow-brown to pale buff and silver-grey; southern individuals are typically pale coloured while richer tawny or reddish tones are more common in the northern range. The body is covered with small, solid dab-like dark brown or black spots coalescing to blotches on the nape, chest, and lower limbs. The tail has 8-12 narrow bands interspersed with small spots; the bands become wider towards the tail tip, which is dark.
Small vertebrates make up 78-99% of the Geoffroy’s Cat’s diet. In most populations the diet is dominated by small rodents and birds. Larger prey items such as hares, flamingos, Armadillos, tree porcupines. Other prey consists of reptiles, amphibians, crabs, fish, and bugs.
Little information has been gathered from the wild, but Geoffroy’s Cats are considered to breed seasonally, with births occur during December and May. In captivity, they tend to breed year round. Gestation lasts between 62-78 days with a litter size of 1 to 3 kittens.
Geographic Range