The Canada Lynx

Scientific Name: Lynx canadensis
IUCN Status: Least concern
Weight: 11-38 pounds

Image Retrieved on Jan. 7, 2019, from edu/ncwildcat/nc-canadianlynx/humanimpact.html


The Canadian Lynx is a lanky, medium sized cat whose thick fur gives the impression of a much larger animal. This lynx has elongated legs with hind limbs distinctly longer then the forelimbs giving a characteristic leggy appearance. This in enhanced by the by the very large, snowshoe-like paws and a heavy covering of dense fur to facilitate moving on soft snow. The head is relatively small but appears larger due to a prominent facial ruff. The triangular ears are unmarked except for a band of black fur along the top edge, capped with conspicuous black tuffs typically longer then 3cm. The long fur is dense, very soft and uniformly coloured without distinct markings, typically buff-grey with silver or bluish frosting in winter and brownish in spring and summer. The lower limbs and underparts are sometimes lightly spotted. The tail is short and has a completely black tip.


Canadian Lynx are strongly dependent on Snowshoe Hares which constitute 35-97 percent of their diet. Red squirrels are particularly important as an alternative food source due hare declines. Other common alternative prey includes small rodents, ducks, grouse, and ptarmigan. They have also been know to prey on juvenile ungulates.



Geographic Range

Image Retrieved on Jan. 7, 2019, from