Entry level experience with exotic husbandry of any kind, and big cat management in particular, can be difficult to attain. A summer working among the residents of Great Cats World Park is a rare opportunity for students and young professionals looking to attain that crucial hands-on experience. Full time internships will be open to a select few applicants for the season.
The Summer Internship Program at Great Cats World Park offers that invaluable real-world experience that can make the difference for your future career-seeking endeavors. You will learn about cat care, wildlife park management and maintenance and have the unique opportunity to get to know not only the vital statistics surrounding endangered cats, but also the personal traits and habits of the individual cats themselves. With more than forty cats in residence representing more than a dozen species, this facility offers a truly unique experience.
Internship Program Goals - To provide you with basic working knowledge of professional animal care as it relates to cats. Although we are specific to cats our goal is to give you the correct attitude and knowledge to work with many exotic species safely and professionally. You will receive training in the following. USDA standards and regulations, basic feline husbandry, feline nutrition and diet preparation, enrichment for exotic felines, safety protocol, public speaking and guest relations, breeding exotic felines, captive feline behavior, zoonotic disease, animal health assessment, enclosure design. The next items are going to be privileges NOT a right. As your performance is evaluated and if adequate staffing is available to maintain the facility you may be asked to observe and/or participate in medical procedures, handling and training, bottle feeding and rearing of cubs. In addition: we run with a very small staff, therefore you will also learn what running day to day operations takes from working in the giftshop, horticulture, and maintenance.

We are offering you the chance to work closely with some of the rarest and most endangered cats in the world. In exchange, you will play an integral role as one of the Park’s tour guides for the summer season. The interactive guided tours are what serve to set Great Cats World Park apart from every other wildlife park and zoo in the world, so our guides must be top-notch. Successful candidates will be well groomed, articulate, polite, and knowledgeable. The work is both physically and mentally demanding as befits the opportunity of a lifetime. Preference for positions will be given to those that are able to commit for the entire summer season, beginning mid-May and ending in August, with consideration given to school schedules. Limited on-site staff housing is available.